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Let me introduce myself!

My name is Farizat, and I've been learning excel for many many years. Since college, Excel has always been a part of my life.

Thanks to my knowledge and skills in Excel, I have become an expert highly valued in the workplace.
After moving to the USA, I needed to find a job without professional experience. Excel played a crucial role in this process. I landed a job after successfully completing an assessment. My new boss was a true Excel expert and taught me a lot. I started investing in my Excel skills and professional development.

At my next job, thanks to my skills, I wasn’t just an ordinary accountant; I was recognized as an expert. I undertook numerous Excel projects for various departments such as sales, marketing, logistics, and finance.

Using Excel, I automated the calculation of sales tax to be able to stay at home with my daughter after maternity leave. I imported data into Excel and automated reporting using Excel formulas and functions such as text to column, vlookup, sumif, and other mathematical and logical functions.

I saved a lot of time, got to stay home with my daughter, made my boss really happy, and saved a ton of paper!

As I grew professionally, I decided to share my experience and knowledge through a blog and lessons.

In 1.5 years, my excel community grew to over 1.8 million subscribers.
It was incredibly rewarding to see that my advice and lessons were helping people enhance their Excel skills and become more effective in their work.

Before working with me, one of my students, was very confused and overwhelmed with Excel. I was very happy to help her overcome her fear of Excel and be able to use Excel at work with confidence. We’ve covered everything from basic to advanced Excel functions, which gave her the confidence and necessary Excel skills for her job.

I hope this could inspire you to master your Excel skills! Don't walk away from this without knowing how this could help you.

Join me on this Excel journey, go from confused Excel user to confident go-to Excel Expert at your work place!

Click button below to watch my FREE Excel Training, get step by step guide and practice file.

Begin your Excel journey now
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